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We start puppy training our babies from birth. They are taught manners, respect for humans and children and other pets, and socialized. it is our goal to provide well mannered, well socialized puppies that will fit our families perfectly. We begin with early neurological stimulation and work daily with our babies. Our puppies are given weekly baths, nail trims, and blow-dries. This helps them be used to loud noises, forced air, and being handled, so they can easily be taken to a groomer or groomed at home. We do community visits with all our puppies visits to Bass Pro Shops, Home Depot, Pet's Way, and our small christian school are some of our favorites. Here our babies can be handled my strangers and are able to possibly brighten a persons day, who can resist puppy cuddles? Our puppies are part of our family and half daily by us and our children. We have play time in our puppy play room and our living room daily. At 3 weeks we start on potty grass training and our smart babies easily teach themselves to potty on this. At 6 weeks we start trips outside to go potty. So by the time your puppy arrives to you they have a huge start on housebreaking. consistency is the key to successful fast housebreaking.

Our adults have each attended obedience classes to learn manners and basic obedience. From there several of our have excelled and moved on to test for CGC (Canine Good Citizen) titles. We also currently have 3 pet therapy certified dogs. Axel enjoys visiting a nursing home and doing his job to connect and cheer up the residents. Katie visits a crisis nursery and loves to teach the children about empathy, caring for others, and manners. Bella just started and likes to help children work on their reading skills by allowing them to read to her. She is so patient and never hurries or embarrasses the children if they make a mistake. Cinderella has competed in lure coursing and easily fell in love with this event and has an AKC title in this. Bella and Katie both enjoy rally events and have titled in them. Axel has started nose work and we are excited to learn a new sport. Elsa is attending puppy agility classes and loves her jumps and the tunnel. We are proud that all of our adults have earned their International and National Champion titles. Six of our adults have earned there UKC Champion title.  As you can see our dog keep us very busy, but this is how we like it. We strongly believe in the motto:
                                                                "A trained dog is a happy dog"


2023 Titles Earned

-Kira earned her CCA from GRCA in NC

-Pippa earned her CGC and Novice trick dog titles

-Everest Earned her Rally Novice title and 2 legs towards Rally Intermediate, and 2 legs towards her Beginner Novice Obedience title. 

-Riya earned her AKC Junior Hunt Title

- Izzy earned her CCA from GRCA in NY

-Riya earned her CCA from GRCA in NY

- Pippa earned her Rally Novice title, 1 leg towards her CD obedience title, and 2 legs towards her Beginner Novice Obedience title. 

- Pippa earned 2 legs towards her FAST CAT title

2022 Titles Earned

- Bell earned her AKC Junior Hunt Title

-Pippa earned 2 legs in dock jumping novice legs

-Bell earned 2 legs towards her lure coursing title

2021 Titles Earned

- Pippa Earned her Junior Hunt title at Golden Retriever Nationals

- Bell Earned her Working Certificate at Nationals

- Pippa also Earned her Working Certificate at Nationals

- Bell earned 2 JH legs 

2020 Titles Earned

Covid has had us home a lot enjoying the boat and family time. There have been very few competitions but we have worked hard to be ready for when things open back up.

Pippa Earned her first Jr Hunt leg

Pippa also earned her Novice scent work titles in containers, exterior,interior, and buried

Izzy Earned her 1st Rally Leg

Everest Earned her 1st Rally Leg

2019 Titles Earned by our Dogs

Simba Earned 7 AKC Champion points in Hawaii

Elsa Earned her RN 

Jazmine Earned her RN

Nala Earned her RN

Snow White Earned her CGC, TKN

Izzy Earned her CGC, TKN

Kira Earned her CGC

Our Baby Everest received AKC Best of Breed Puppy and Group 2 placement

2018 Titles Earned by our Dogs
28 total

Declan earned his TKN, CA, Achiever Dog
Hunter earned his CGC, UKC CH, INTL CH
in process RN, CGCA
Simba earned his UKC CH,TKN, CA, CCA, Achiever Dog
Bella earned her TKN
Merida earned her RN,CA,CGC,  TKN, CCA, Achiever Dog
Elsa earned her CA, CGC, TKN, Achiever Dog
in process RN
Jazmine earned her CGC,TKN,CA, Achiever Dog
in process JH,RN
Nala earned her CGC, TKN, Achiever Dog


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       Storybooke Goldens 
2016- 2017 Titles Earned by our Dogs

Declan earned his UKC CH, 1 AKC CH point
Axel earned his UKC CH
Bella earned her UKC CH,CGC,CCA, RN
Cinderella earned 5 AKC CH points, CA, TKN
Katie earned her TD, UKC CH, TKN, CGC, CA
Merida earned her UKC CH
Elsa earned her UKC CH
Jazmine earned her UKC CH

We as the breeder reserve the right to first pick male or female at any time.  

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